LAN477 Assignments


Critical Thinking Questions

The following questions are very important and the answers to them can be provided in the readings found under each lecture title. It is important that you take a few minutes while you read or after you finish reading each article to answer these questions. You can answer them in point-form or in full sentence format. Answering the questions before the mid-term test will help you better prepare for it as these are the kinds of questions I will be asking you on the test. I will add more questions at the end of each lecture and perhaps before the designated lectures in some cases.

For Lecture 1:

  1. Why is it so difficult to define “the Balkans?” Explain.
  2. How has the meaning of the term “Yugoslavia” changed since 1945? What were the implications of some of these changes?

For Lecture 2:

  1. What role did Yugoslavia play as an entity in world relations pre-1989?
  2. Why were the 1990s seen as a difficult time for map makers? Discuss.
  3. Explain the significance of the Balkans from a cultural and religious standpoint.
  4. Why were the Balkan wars seen as a[n] “European problem?” How does labeling them as such create negative consequences for thinking about international relations?
  5. Nationalistic tendencies degraded the moral platform of the countries of the Former Yugoslavia. They created a pathway for the overall manipulation of the minds of those who once lived with each other in coherence. Explain how the rise of nationalism endangered the lives of millions and contributed to the outbreak of genocide in Bosnia.
  6. Describe how the idea of Yugoslavia went from utopian to chaotic over the course of the region’s history.
  7. Authors we have read in this class purport that Yugoslavia is still with us at the present time period, even though it is not seen on present maps. Explain why this is the case.
  8. What are the things that we can learn from studying Yugoslavia as an entity? What are the things we can learn from Yugoslavia and the nature of various wars from the perspective of the West as set out in the independent review article? (The article presents a lot of interesting information that is good for a highly productive debate. What are your thoughts on the thoughts of the author(s) of this article?)  





For Lecture 3:

  1. According to Kuljic, what was Tito’s role in the history of the Western Balkans? How did, for instance, his role and image as leader of the entity known as Yugoslavia change throughout time for the various nations? Discuss.
  2. What are some ways one could define Tito’s rule?
  3. What is the matter with multi-ethnic states from a nationalistic paradigm? (keyword there being, “nationalistic”). Compare with an analysis of such states using a more liberal approach.
  4. What other regimes does the author talk about? What significance do they hold?
  5. Define “modernism” and “conservatism” and explain how Tito’s regime embodied these.
  6. What was the dual character of Tito’s regime and what are the author’s conclusions?
  7. What was Tito’s legacy according to the various nations he controlled?
  8. Some historians have argued that Tito was at fault for the collapse of Yugoslavia because he did not appoint someone else to take over after him. What evidence can you put together to prove this? What evidence can you gather that disproves these historians?
  9. Some historians have argued that Tito’s regime was improper because he neglected his citizens and their needs in a time of great transitions after the Second World War. What evidence is there to suggest this?
  10. Why did Tito break away from Stalin? Do you think he was justified to do so?
  11. What is “collective memory” and what significance does it hold in the reading by Seil? What kinds of memories are discussed? Explain their role in the paper and in characterizing the era mentioned.
  12. Trace the history of Tito’s rule and discuss important facets and events.
  13. What role did Yugoslavia play in what was defined as a “bipolar world”? Explain.
  14.    Often, Yugoslavia’s disintegration is defined as “inevitable.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answers from the pool of readings and your own thoughts. N.B. It is this kind of broad question that might be on the mid-term.


For Lecture 4:

  1. Please distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources by providing a proper definition of the said. Include examples of each type of source.
  2. How can the disintegration of Yugoslavia be categorized as a “holocaust.” Discuss.
  3. What is “genocide” and how was it carried out in the Balkans.



For Lecture 5:

  1. What is/was the purpose of destroying a nation’s cultural facilities? Explain whether this is a form of personal/physical/psychological/ethnic/humanitarian/national terror or can you argue that it is all of these and more?
  2. What are the various cultural sites that were destroyed in some of the former Yugoslav nations? Discuss what the purpose was that lay behind each form of destruction.
  3. Explain how proper teaching methods in the Balkans are crucial in effort to move forward purposefully.
  4. In thinking back to collective memory, how does the destruction of culture essentially destroy collective memory at the same time?
  5. Many historians have argued that Bosnia before its civil strife was an example of a modern and highly sophisticated modern nation. Explain how this was so in light of the events that followed and give some background as to the lessons that other nations can learn from the fall of what once was “paradise under Communism.”
  6. Describe how “collective memory” is linked to ethnicity and nationality. What implications does this have for historians who wish to study the region critically? Should “collective memory” come with a disclaimer or is it a legitimate, academic study? At the same time, what can we learn from “collective memory” that we cannot from factual and highly indisputable sources? Can the two co-exist or should they always be separate? Consider cases discussed in class where the “collective memory” worked to prove, rather than disprove or make irrational, the factual.*
  7. Consider the role of mass media and propaganda in distorting and adding to collective memory. Use several examples.
  8. How do you “reconstruct” cultural heritage when it is lost? Is it possible? Consider the case of burned rare print material that cannot be brought back because there may be no copies left. At the same time, consider the case of architectural sites, what is lost when they are? What is gained when they are rebuilt?
  9. How can cultural heritage sources be used as weaponry? What does this say about quarrel in societies in general?
  10. How do mass protests for piece by citizens of all nationalities/ethnicities and religions affect the “collective memory” of those involved? What does it have to say about overgeneralizations of who was responsible for the war and “faulting the public?” Why is this crucial?

For Lecture 6:
1. What was the purpose of the study completed by Ringdal et al.?
2. What were the methods used to undertake the study?
3. What were the results and conclusions made by the authors of the study and how significant are these?
4. Connect the study conducted by Ringdal et al. with the study by Flogel et al.
5. Why is war, “the multifaceted threat to human existence?” Think about the social, political, demographic, economic, psychological, medical, cultural aspects that are negated by the effects associated with war.
6. What were the historical and political aspects that drove the conflict in the Former Yugoslavia? Discuss.
7. What conclusions do Flogel et al. make about the war in relation to the health of the populous?
8. According to Morokvasic, the main reason why the Yugoslav wars occurred was because of the declarations of independence from the entity made by Slovenia and Croatia. What were the consequences of the independence declarations for neighbouring Bosnia-Herzegovina and the rise of refugees?
9. What were the motives for flight both for those who fled the region before 1991 and after 1991?
10. As discussed in lectures, there were people who resisted against what was happening during the war years. What example does Morokvasic use to detail this?
11. How does the creation of nation-states invoke the sense that war is “inevitable” in multiethnic communities? To answer this question, you will have to talk about European nationalism as a whole.
12. How did the nature of the WWII Era impact the political thinking of the Former Yugoslavia post-WWII and its connections (both psychological and political) during the Yugoslav Wars? In order to answer this question, you must think about what happened in this region during WWII, who was against whom? Why and how did this impact the latter war?
13. Discuss healthcare after the disintegration of Yugoslavia.
14. What lessons does the disintegration of Yugoslavia leave us with in terms of historical misperceptions that societies create (particularly European societies) regarding the nature of nationalism and identity? What lessons can one take away from pre-war nations like BIH and its ethnic composition and the ways in which people lived in the past in order to create a better future?

For Lecture 7:
1. In your own words, how would you describe “Yugo-nostalgia?” Discuss.
2. Some historians believe that “Yugo-nostalgia” is a very deep and interesting situation and can be used as a case study to offer hopes for better reconciliation for the future. How could, in your own reading of “Yugo-nostalgia” policy makers use this phenomenon to bring people back to a better sense of cohesion? What could politicians do to rebuild those connections that were so pivotal in the past? Explain your thinking.
3. Why is “Yugo-nostalgia” painful according to Bancroft?
4. How is nostalgia constructed by the wider society?
5. Why is it important to study “Yugo-nostalgia? What insights can it give us?
6. How is “Yugo-nostalgia” evident in Mostar between the different interviewees? Discuss the nature of this phenomenon from the various human perspectives, thoughts, and feelings in Palmberger’s work.
7. Why are people nostalgic?
8. Can nostalgia open doors for reconstruction?
9. Why is Tito still popular according to PRESSEUROP?
10. What is the significance of “Yugo-nostalgia” in Belgrade, Serbia? Compare this to the “Yugo-nostalgia” evident in other parts of the Former Yugoslavia. Use readings by Stosic and others under lecture 7 to enhance your answers.
11. What is the difference between the phenomenon known as “Yugo-nostalgia” and the term “Tito-nostalgia?” Do you think that, in a sense they are the same? If so, why and how? Do you feel that they are completely different ideas? Explain using all relevant readings.

For Lecture 8:
1. What was the nature of the propaganda that was spread by the media in Yugoslavia during the war? Which groups were targeted and for what purpose(s) were these groups targeted?
2. What was Zimmerman’s view of the nature of propaganda in Yugoslavia? How was the media able to take control of people’s minds by spreading falsities against other ethnicities?
3. Discuss the role of mass media in Croatia during the period of war.
4. What are the factors that contributed to Bosnia-Herzegovina being more vulnerable to negative media reports? In your answer, you should provide a discussion of overall ethnic composition.
5. Discuss the roles the media played in Serbia during the war.
6. Explain the roles played by the media in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 1990s (particularly AFTER Dayton). Discuss roles played by television, radio, and print.
7. Why did the mass media prosper to a significant degree during the war? What role did the concepts of “othering,” “disintegration,” “fear,” “propagandist ideals,” and “striving for independence” have on this?
8. Simic argues that to a certain extent the media played a pertinent role in encouraging conflicts within Yugoslavia during the warring period. Discuss.
9. What part did past histories and mythologies have in the war? Discuss at least one mentioned in Simic’s text.
10. What affect did 1989 and the events in Eastern Europe and the Former USSR have on Yugoslavia?
11. How were Slovenians, Croatians, Bosniaks, and Serbs viewed by the different types of Yugoslav media? Explain and discuss thoroughly, how, for instance, the Croats viewed the Slovenes, Bosniaks, and Serbs, and how, in turn, the Serbs viewed the Croats, the Slovenes, and the Bosniaks.
12. According to Simic, what kinds of instructions were given to the media in Croatia when reporting from war torn regions of the country? Explain.
13. What is psychological warfare? According to Simic, how was the media able to perpetrate this type of war on the populous?
14. What lessons does Simic’s article give us about the nature of the media during times of war and the ways in which the media can affect people’s thinking/perceptions of current events? Discuss thoroughly your thoughts.
15. Since the Dayton Peace Accord was signed in 1995, there have been major changes that have taken place in the media in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Discuss the full nature of these changes as indicated by Taylor and Napoli.
16. Why are Bosnians reluctant to rely on politically-charged news outlets? Explain.
17. As discussed in lectures and other readings for this course the media played a significant role during wartime. Taylor and Napoli indicate that because of this, the media outlets should also strive to play a deeper role when it comes to the reconstruction process. Explain why they think this must happen.
18. Bosnian media is divided into certain categories. Describe the nature of these categories and the characteristics of each.
19. What was the purpose of Taylor and Napoli’s study? Discuss their overall findings and research.
20. What is the significance of the conclusion drawn by Taylor and Napoli?


1. Summarize and analyze the views offered by Gordy and the specific findings that he makes in his literature. What comparisons can you make between Gordy’s reading and the readings and lectures of this class? Are there findings offered by Gordy which other class readings, lectures, and discussions do not address and vice versa? Discuss.


For Lecture 9:

A worksheet with a series of questions has been given to you in class for lecture 9 due to the fact that there are many readings. Please try to answer as many of the questions as possible so you can prepare for the test. Remember, focus on those questions/readings for the topics that I have extensively covered in lectures and discussions. This is because questions based on readings covered in lectures/discussions are more likely to appear on the test.

For Lecture 10:

  1. What happened to media franchises in Slovenia during the 1990s? What is the significance of this time period for this country? Discuss.
  2. How can media franchises work to become more accountable both pre-and-post-war? Explain.
  3. Is regulation of media the key to accountability, or can media work free from regulation on its own without any regulatory bodies stepping in? What could media outlets do to gain trust from both its audiences and the nations served?

For Lecture 11:

  1. What insights does Grujic’s work give us about the role of women in the media in post-Yugoslav Serbia? What is the overall significance of these insights and what do they tell us about societal shifts through time? Discuss with examples.
  2. What is the significance of turbo-folk in Serbian society? What roles does it play both historically, socially, and politically? Discuss.
  3. What happens when music and musicians become entangled with politics and political histories of certain regions? Explain using at least 2 examples discussed in class.
  4. Discuss the transitions in Yugoslav music from the 1940s to the 1980s commenting on major trends. Include a brief commentary on music after the 1980s and talk about connections to influences and historical phases in your answer.
  5. Explain how Yugoslavia’s music scene was highly influenced by Western music and musicians. Particularly hone in your discussion on rock music.
  6. Can it be argued that while music created a sense of fear among the populous during wartime that at present, it is creating a sense of unity overall? Discuss how this may be the case providing a few examples from appropriate class readings.
  7. In Baker’s article she argues that fragments of socialism can be found in the music in Croatia. How does the music do this and what is the overall significance of this finding?
  8. How have popular music and political histories changed in certain ex-Yugoslav nations since the war? Discuss.
  9. How does Medic define, “moderated modernism?” Where has this phenomenon occurred throughout history and what forms has it taken? How does it function in Serbia according to Medic?
  10. Mavra and McNeil discuss certain ways in which Croatia has used musical culture to create a sense of identity. Discuss their findings and the overall significance. Mention key examples if possible.
  11. What are the many ways in which music has the power to create peace in societies that have had to deal with turmoil? Discuss the key ways that music can create a pathway for reconciliation.
  12. Discuss how music created ethnic divisions in the former Yugoslavia through the creation of dangerous propaganda. In your answers discuss how music both helped to propel the war and how some musicians tried to bring attention to what was happening in their countries through the use of song. Outline in your answers the differences between “deconstructive” and “constructive” uses of music in wartime.
  13. In your opinion, how can ex-Yugoslav countries use music to enhance ideas of unity for the betterment of ex-Yugoslav society? Do you think it is possible to create rapid social change, or do you think it is still a little too early for this to occur? In your answer, please consider some of the works we have discussed in class in basing your opinion.
  14. What are some positive and negative aspects of the contemporary turbo-folk audience and the ways in which the listen to, idolize, and observe the singers of this genre. Consider the case of Ceca’s audiences as offered by Volcic in your answer. Be certain to comment on ideas discussed in class (i.e. reconciliatory debates and discussions/trends, denial of the past, facing the past, looking ahead, varieties of nostalgia, etc.).




Seminar Participation

Every student enrolled in LAN477 MUST participate in a seminar for this course.

What is a “seminar?”

A seminar can be defined as: “a lecture or presentation delivered to an audience on a particular subject or topic of interest for educational purposes.”

As a student in this class, you will be expected to participate and individually lead ONE SEMINAR on any lecture topic of your choice from lecture 2 to 20.

What should you do to prepare for your seminar date?

To prepare for the date of your talk, you should read all of the required readings for that particular lecture as specified by the instructor for the course. Next, you must provide a summary and analysis of that particular reading or readings that you are expected to work on and last, you should come up with a series of questions for the class (for which you assume has done the readings ahead of time like you).

Before your talk, you must prepare also what you will talk about (so essentially a script for your presentation of the readings) as well as key discussion questions that you will be asking of your audience in an effort to encourage participation.

The seminars WILL be held on a weekly basis on all materials (excluding lecture 1 materials, any films, etc. WHICH ARE NOT OPEN TO SEMINAR DISCUSSIONS).


-should be set up as a presentation (summary) and overall analysis of your findings; then some time for questions, comments, concerns from the audience and your own discussion questions encouraging participation.

-should be a talk where YOU TEACH THE REST OF THE CLASS SOMETHING ABOUT THE READING(S). Information and attention to details will be appreciated.

-should be between 15 and 20 minutes in length.

-should be relevant to the course discussions (lectures, readings, etc.)

-should be fairly informal BUT you don’t want to be vague here; you want to be very well-defined and focused; you want to narrow your topic and ask questions of the audience to encourage participation.

-seminars will be worth 10 of the 15 marks assigned for participation, thus, it is in your best interest to make your seminar conference as clear and as interesting as possible.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns about the requirements for these seminars, you should ask BEFORE your date to present.

There are more than enough readings for all students. Please sign up accordingly to ensure you have selected a topic of interest.






Assignment 1 Instructions - OPINION PIECE

Your first assignment asks you to read the article from lecture 3 on this website:

After you have read the article in its entirety you will respond to this question:

Do you agree or disagree with the author’s main arguments, premises, and conclusions?

You can go about tackling this question in any way you choose as long as you provide the necessary substantiation to support ALL OF YOUR OPINIONS.

What I will be looking for:

I want to see that you have engaged with the article in front of you. This is a 5-page article, it is easy to read, easy to follow, and has an interesting focus. Engagement with the material means that you are quoting or paraphrasing the text or section of the text to fully support ALL opinions.

I want to see that you have understood what the author has said, thus, your job will be to critically summarize and analyze ALL aspects of the texts and make an opinion as to whether or not the text is, in your opinion valuable to the understanding of the issues that the author tackles. This means that you should, summarize the main points of the text providing an analytical approach and then offering an opinion on the WHOLE text.

Support your opinions always with proofs from the text. Proofs are key ideas, sentences, words, etc. that the author uses to convey a message.

If you agree state why you agree; if you disagree state why you disagree; if you agree to some extent, explain why you agree to some extent, if you disagree to some extent explain why you disagree to some extent…

An opinion made, but not backed up by appropriate proofs from the text is not likely to get anything higher than 8/15 whereas a stated opinion that is backed by quotes from the text will not get anything lower than an 11/15.

You may use other (secondary) sources to add to your analysis and to your thinking if you so wish. I recommend you use the articles from lectures 2, 3, and 4 for this if you wish. You may find your own research articles by which to base your ideas on.

HOWEVER, I am really looking for your opinion on this article by Vilanova et al., and NOTHING ELSE. So if you choose not to do any secondary research to give you more ideas YOU WILL NOT LOSE ANY MARKS.


Typed, double-spaced, written in Times New Roman Font which is 11 or 12 points

Title page with a title for the assignment (your title can be as simple as "Opinion Piece" or "Assignment One" - I don't care)., your name, the name of the course, the name of the instructor, the date assignment is due

Proper use of citation style: APA, CMS, or MLA

Length of essay: 3 pages MIN; MAX = your choice. Your essay should be AT LEAST 3 PAGES IN LENGTH. There is NO MAXIMUM ASSIGNED NUMBER OF PAGES THE ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE. It is totally up to you. If you can convey your ideas in 3 pages that is fine, if you need more space, USE IT.

Good luck with the assignment and as always please ASK QUESTIONS AHEAD OF TIME.




Throughout the course of the term, we will be watching a series of films that are relatable to a particular theme or themes within the context of the entire course. Your job will be to pick any of the following films that we will be watching from this list:

-The Death of Yugoslavia

-Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War

-History of Yugoslavia 1945-1989

-War in Yugoslavia

-Welcome to Sarajevo

-Whose is this Song?

-Spotlight on the Balkans

-Behind Enemy Lines

-Shot Through the Heart

-The Whistleblower

-Back to Bosnia

-Yugo-Nostalgia from EuroNews Europeans

After you have picked which film you will be analyzing, you must:

  1. Watch the film in class
  2. Write notes on the film while watching it
  3. Compose an essay based on the film after watching it

The essay which is to be based on one of the abovementioned films will actually be a filmic review, in which you are to provide a summary of the film and a critical evaluation of the film where in which you connect the film to the class lectures and all applicable class readings, discussions, tutorials, etc.

The key to these reviews will be to provide a fairly cogent explanation of the film you will be reviewing and a significant analysis of that film using the readings that have been assigned for the class, the class lectures, and applicable tutorials. You are of course, not expected to do extra research, but like in assignment 1, if you want to do extra external and critical research you are more than welcome to do so. Research based on the film, will not count as much as research based on the factual events that are portrayed by the film.

We have already seen some of the movies in past lectures, but of course, some of the other ones we have not. I have informed you before that if you were interested in watching a particular film to pay particular attention to it and to write significant notes.

HOWEVER…if for some odd reason you have not made notes or you cannot remember the plot of the films we have already watched, please tell me and I will provide you with a copy. Some of the above are also pretty accessible via YouTube.

Since we have already seen some of these movies and others we have not, the due date for this assignment is incredibly flexible. Keep in mind though, that I am expecting you to submit a final copy of your film review BEFORE the midterm test. Thus, you have until then to work on this assignment.

I will look at drafts and discuss your ideas with you, but will NOT look at final copies and provide opinions on those.


Typed, double-spaced, written in Times New Roman Font which is 11 or 12 points

Title page with a title for the assignment (your title can be as simple as "Film Review" or "Assignment Two" - I don't care)., your name, the name of the course, the name of the instructor, the date assignment is due

Proper use of citation style: APA, CMS, or MLA

Length of essay: 5 pages MIN; MAX = your choice. Your essay should be AT LEAST 5 PAGES IN LENGTH. There is NO MAXIMUM ASSIGNED NUMBER OF PAGES THE ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE. It is totally up to you. If you can convey your ideas in 5 pages that is fine, if you need more space, USE IT.

I want these essays to be slightly longer than the first assignment for a number of reasons. Firstly, I want you to provide a summary of the film in connection to the specific period it tries to portray. A discussion, here should be provided that talks about characters, plot, and historical significance. Second, I want to see that you thoroughly thought about the film. This does not mean that you have just watched it and said it was “great,” but that you have really delved into the issues that arise in the film and thought about their connections to our course and to the specific period(s) covered within the film.

Questions to ask while watching the film and writing the review:

  1. What is the film about? (This should be answered in about 50%-75% of a page in your essay). I do not want the reviews to be largely taken up with your summary of the film. I want your review, your thoughts, and your connections. I do not want an essay that only provides a long-winded summary.
  2. How does the film represent the particular period(s), theme(s), event(s), person(s) that it showcases?
  3. How does the film connect to the course lectures?
  4. How does the film connect to course readings and tutorials?

The due date for this essay is set to near the end of the term to give you enough time to complete it.

Good luck with the assignment and as always please ASK QUESTIONS AHEAD OF TIME.